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Emilianno Zapata

Emilianno Zapata, a talented queer artist, skillfully portrays gods, beauties, and warriors in his work, using symbols and semiotics to create powerful and transformative pieces. His artistic process is one of healing and empowerment, based on his deep self-knowledge and understanding. Influenced by the Candomble religion, Zapata proudly identifies himself as the son of Exu, exploring various symbols, as well as classic images of Exu, which he has boldly translated into his unique artistic sensibilities. Through his art, Zapata aims to create a safe and supportive space for young queer individuals, helping them to reconnect with their own self-esteem, self-love, and inner peace.

Emilianno Zapata
Direção criativa: Letícia Haag @leticiahaag
Fotografia: Ivan Erick @ivanerick
Styling: Maika Mano @maikamano
Beleza: Angel Moraes @angel__moraes
Filme:Vinicius Cardoso @viniciuscardoso
Produção executiva: Leili Rodrigues @leili_rodrigues
Tratamento de imagem: Philipe Mortosa @philipemortosa
Assistentes de fotografia: Fabio Enes e Thiago Lima @fabioenesphoto @tttthiagolima
Assistentes de filme: Diogo Martins @diogomartinsfotos Pedro Pradella @pradellapedro
Assistente de styling: Danton Brando @dantonbrando
Assistentes de beleza: Raynara Florência @ririmanguetown
Camareira: Marisa Hiodo @marisahiodo
Assistente de set: Caio Douglas @_caiodouglas